The Letter "S"
Posted by Fiq | Posted in Tag | Posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cik Nabilah ni memang rajin tag aku. Baru-baru ni aku kena tag lagi dengan dia. Kali ni tag pasal huruf pertama kat nama plak. Adoi. Layan je la...
It's harder than it looks...
Copy to your own notes...
Erase my answers...
Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions...
They have to be real...
Nothing made up...
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers...
You cannot use any words twice...
and You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question...

It's harder than it looks...
Copy to your own notes...
Erase my answers...
Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions...
They have to be real...
Nothing made up...
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers...
You cannot use any words twice...
and You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question...

1. What is your name :
Syafiq Farhan Saidi
2. A four letter word :
Sate (Sate Kajang memang terbaik la, lagi-lagi kalau orang belanja. Haha)
Syafiq Farhan Saidi
2. A four letter word :
Sate (Sate Kajang memang terbaik la, lagi-lagi kalau orang belanja. Haha)
3. A boy's name :
Syafrie Shafie (member baik aku kat hostel aku di UM)
4. A girl's name :
Syahirah (coursemate aku...=p)
5. An occupation :
Saintis (aku le tu...)
6. A colour :
Sky Blue (warna biru langit)
7. Something you wear :
8. A food :
Sup tulang
9. Something found in the bathroom :
10. A place :
Sungai Congkak (tempat mandi-manda ni)
11. A reason for being late :
Silap jalan
12. Something u shout :
13. A movie title :
SAW (cerita yang memang ngeri habis!)

14. Something u drink :
Sky Juice (air kosong le maknanya...)
15. A musical group :
16. An animal :
Saurophaganax maximus
17. A street name :
Silver Street, London
18. A type of car :
Now tag twenty (20) people.
Syafrie Shafie (member baik aku kat hostel aku di UM)
4. A girl's name :
Syahirah (coursemate aku...=p)
5. An occupation :
Saintis (aku le tu...)
6. A colour :
Sky Blue (warna biru langit)
7. Something you wear :
8. A food :
Sup tulang
9. Something found in the bathroom :
10. A place :
Sungai Congkak (tempat mandi-manda ni)
11. A reason for being late :
Silap jalan
12. Something u shout :
13. A movie title :
SAW (cerita yang memang ngeri habis!)

14. Something u drink :
Sky Juice (air kosong le maknanya...)
15. A musical group :
16. An animal :
Saurophaganax maximus
17. A street name :
Silver Street, London
18. A type of car :
Now tag twenty (20) people.
sorry la kena tag..dah kena tag lagi..huhu..
tak sengaja..dah nama Fiq di antara 20 orang pemberi komen yg terawal...
pape pun..thnks tau..hehe..(^_^)
ssss....suat sujak sier...sesese...:P